Birthdays and updates

The past two weeks have been packed full with special memories. My best friends came into town to help me celebrate a huge milestone in my life. The big 30. I had such a great time that I feel like it still has not hit me… I am no longer in my twentys. 
Ten years ago I moved to Georgia and started with my current company. Back then I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. Freshly 20 in a new city. Now I have a vision for my life and I would like to believe I am on the right path. is coming up on a year old and has brought me so much joy. I love creating and sharing. 

As I have gotten older my group of close friends has shrunk tremendously, but I think that is okay. The people I have kept in my life are my family and they are the ones that push me to pursue my dreams. 

I just want to say thank you for sharing my recipes, beauty videos and my life with me! I can’t wait to see what the future brings. 

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